Hotel Torino is a pet Hotel, and with discounts - Hotel Torino Jesolo
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Hotel Torino is a pet Hotel, and with discounts

Now for many years, we at Hotel Torino, we have decided to accept the animals, as more and more people, both singles, and families, decide to take a 4-legged friend at home. Our society has become sensitive to the needs of animals, video, culture, respect for the animal are also well-established trend and a very noble. The slice of tourism that looks for a hotel that makes living well is the human that the 4-legged friend is a growing and widespread slice that goes certainly not ignored, indeed, enhanced, in the possibility that you have limits and that the area gives us.
Following the trend, and our own love for ” hairy home ”, now for several years in the hotel we accept the animals, and in this blog article we feel the need to explain exactly what we can and what we can not offer; clearly enunciating the pros, but also clarity in informing about what are the limits that unfortunately, we have. Useless to lie, needless to tell fairy tales, because the lies have short legs, especially in an age of media dissemination of the news fast.
Our city, Jesolo, and all the consortia that manage the shoreline of Jesolo, pose a veto: the animal can not go to the beach, you can not be with your friend Fido under the umbrella. We grant the hotels private beach free of charge to guests, without any kind of supplement, but this is one of the limitations that have been imposed. The city offers the Bau Bau beach, accessible to animals, for a fee, with showers and sun beds suitable, but, 4 kilometers separate us from the beach, so if your 4-legged friend can never be alone, Please consider carefully this detail by no means negligible, because it would increase not just the total cost of your holiday.
The other limit imposed by the hotel, is to not let the animals access to the dining room. We found that only create controversy if we give free access to the dining room to friends to 4 legs. Our job is to make you feel good, it is mediation in difficulty, so this is a line that we will bring forward again, even though we ourselves have animals.
We started with the negative aspects, with our limitations, because, needless to create expectations, but exposure than we can not grant already will see if we can be suited to you and your pet.
If you come, and you have forgotten the croquettes and bowls for food and water, we are here with a small survival kit for your pet, as long as you can not organize, with our help. When you pack your suitcase, often it does it quickly, and it can happen to forget something, even if your beloved Friend 4 Paws. No fear, we are ready to welcome you!
For those traveling with animals we thought of two formulas, each formula tied to a DISCOUNT, just to try to meet different needs, linked to the habits of your animal. In the next summer season 2016, we in fact create discounts (not cumulative), which can meet the habits, the way of life that you have with your 4-legged friend.
Let’s start with breakfast, if you want to do it with Fido, with a small sacrifice, but always with our help, we can pick you encounter. You served from the buffet, what and how you want, we’ll take care to bring the trays in the ground-floor terrace, where you can be with ” Fido ” and enjoy already your breakfast together. It is a possibility, an alternative, that, if you like, to us does not create discomfort. One way to make you understand our willingness to help you to bring to life a great vacation even to your furry friend.
For morning cleaning, there is no problem, because, just to agree on the time of cleaning that can vary or remain always the same, and the ladies of the cleaning will be punctual. Unless, your furry friend is not very friendly, and has no problem to deal with strangers who, for sure, will provide them some extra pampering during cleaning. We are here to organize with you, with your habits, and your times.
If your furry friend has no problem being alone at meal times, already used by the rhythms of your daily work life, you can download from the site, the section offers the discount coupon of EUR 10.00 can be consumed in purchases at the store or dressing Mr. Dog who is just 30 meters from the hotel. Just that you download or fotografiate with your smart phone and you show us know when booking. One way to welcome, to dogs or cats or other pets. The Way To Boost Your Holiday together with your animals.
For those who prefer to eat in company with the 4-legged friend, we thought the discount coupon that allows you to have 15% discount on all meals you consume in the restaurant, pizzeria on the ground floor of the hotel, an outdoor terrace overlooking the pedestrian island. Here you can stay with your pet, and as hotel guests, you will have 15% discount on all meals.
We reiterate that the discount coupons can not be combined, but if you want to download them all, as long as remain on line in special offers section of our website, you will for sure use them for different holidays or give them away to some friend is on vacation with you in separate rooms.
Those traveling with a pet, is that the name Holiday is also worthy for the animal, and that Human vacation does not become a source of stress or suffering for the furry friend. It is not easy to manage a different pace, a different habitat, habits that change on vacation, but note that the hotel rooms have large balconies, and, if we remember, and we felt that you have a pet with you, we are ready to give you the rooms with the shade in the afternoon to make it more comfortable waiting room to the animal. We will be happy to see your pet at reception, in the bar, in the lounge with a large terrace or inside it, and for sure, you will find pleasantly surprised by how well we love them so much that we often ask you to bring your puppy at reception for two pampering, for a caress and a photo to be included in our album in socials pages.
For any need, or need, call us and ask without obligation, we prefer that everything is clear and well specified to avoid disappointment at all.
We remember a few rules for the transport of animals, rules that perhaps not everyone knows about:
1. If you come from the ester, remember your passport for cats and dogs, a real passport with the name, sex, date of birth, weight, height, color and surface. Obviously, the veterinarian will be able to release at a cost not so high
2. If you travel by car, you can not freely carry more than one dog. If you have the car’s rear compartment divided by the network or have other divisions, you can carry in the car more than an animal.
3. If you travel by train, beware of the cuts: go up free animals small, medium size kept in kennels. IF the measure of the carrier is greater than 70x50x30 cm, you will have to pay a reduced ticket.
4. If you travel by plane, not all airlines accept pets, so, before booking phone calls or scaricatevi guidelines on animals in order to avoid disappointment
5. Ask your vet if you need some vaccination where you bring your pet on vacation
6. If you plan to walk a lot with your dog, remember the water bottle and a foot-pad protective cream. And we recommend, not to upset too much abituidini the Hairy House; bring your favorite bowl, his favorite blanket or pillow, His beloved play, so it will be for them like being at Casa..un little different, but there will be habits that will help them feel good.
We wait, and always recommend you to call us or send us an email for any questions. We respond even in the winter, we are always operating.
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