And now it is high time for Vivien to write about her job experience at Hotel Torino. She arrived two years ago to attend a stage from ‘Professional Institute Barbarigo in Venice, and even to Vivien, the same as Martha, I have asked to write something about her experience at Hotel Torino. From the stage, as Vivien is a really professional waitress, we have asked her to be part of our Staff.Vivien writes: ” Well what about my experience at Hotel Torino? I really do not know where to start. It is a place that gets into your heart if you’re on vacation so imagine if you spend there a whole Summer season, even though working. Facing a whole Summer Season is not easy: the rhythms are fast and even if you like the work ,there are days when you feel you cannot face it . It is not easy to find a balance with the colleagues with whom you live, eat, work, go out also to have fun. It ‘a little bit like living together, there are negative days, days considered ‘down’ however balanced by good times and hilarious. You miss your home, because, by sure, you do not get the bus to go home and come back to work every day, but this long staying away from home, living with ‘colleagues often unknown’ is not easy for anyone.I happened to wake up in a bad mood (and who does not happen?), But then, working, starting the day with a coffee with the Hotel Chef, with His Assistant and with Giovanna, the day immediately changed into a better mood. . And then, during the day, I do not deny that many customers made me smile. In fact, at Hotel Torino I have learned that the customer becomes something more than a Customer, i do not dare to say that the Custome becomes a friend ( such an important word), but he does not remain a simple customer without a soul, without personality. Here I have learned that the Client is often a Client who, feeling at Home, comes back Season afetr Season, and is happy to find you, to have a chat with you, laugh, to tell you how his winter passed by.For me this was a new teaching, a lesson missing in every school. No doubt, at school I was taught to treat Clients politely , but the relationship i have established with many People , my and their happiness to see each other season after season, the happiness to see their grown up children who jump to the neck and hug you,, well, it is a special relationship , a special feeling you can learn only in a Hotel which becomes a Home ….I do not deny that I have also found colleagues who have taught me a lot and also have become friends, and these relationships are often kept alive during Winter Time-. A daily coexistence is not simple, if we should make us war, it would be a slaughter! The seasonal experience at sea is different from a much more regular job in a city Hotel, the season is a gap, but then you have to consider that you are in Jesolo and there are also chances for evening entertainment, while , I have to admit that i have give up to sun tanning : I have shamelessly betrayed it with the afternoon naps. At the end of the season I found myself paying to get sun lamps! Shame! Working in a 3 star hotel by the sea is a ‘very different experience from the 4 star hotel in town, here you become more practical, faster, you learn to create a relationship with the customer, perhaps more human, and above all it is a job that teaches you to grow on your working level, but also on your human level and it is a job that give you the chance to test yourself, your resistance, your patience and your capability to stay away from home. It is a test for your strength and and a test learning new techniques, even to manage groups that I had never served before. I will never forget this experience, because it is not so hard to fall in love with Hotel Torino and Jesolo ” Vivien And I add my thanks to Vivien: thanks for bringing us your elegance, your professionalism, your punctuality and your friendship. I have also grown up with you!!!

Vivien from the Stage to being a waitress in a 3 star Hotel in Jesolo