” The suitcase on the bed is the one of a long trip .. ” Julio Iglesias sang, and I often imagine customers preparing their bags to come here on holiday in Jesolo. Sometimes I find myself giving a hand to carry their bags from the car park to the reception or in the room, and I often find myself asking if they have put their whole House inside the baggage
In this article I will focus on the case of a couple, we will not speak of the case including the necessaire for children.
For their luggage and what they need or do not need, we will dedicate another very detailed article
Going on Holiday, we always put too many things in our baggage, and i am the first, but in the end, to come in Jesolo you do not need many things, being it a seaside vacation
I would say that two bathing suits are enough, when washed one, you put it to dry on large balconies every room is endowed with,and every balcony has now wire for hanging, the small springs; if you do not have them, we can give them as well as the wire. Certainly little charming, but definitely very comfortable.
The same technique you can use for beach towels since our terraces are really spacious. Why should you fill your suitcase with a thousand things, if they are useless? Absolutely no!
You can also avoid bubble baths and many products that weigh and occupy a lot of space.Here , not far from the hotel you can buy something in the rather closed supermarkets You can get to Piazza Aurora, 200 meters far or to the INS discount if you want to save money, only 500 meters away and if you are lazy, We give bikes for free You arrive at the hotel and find our courtesy with soap and bubble bath, then, the time to organize and you can walk to buy the basic necessities for the week: a bubble bath, shampoo, and sunscreen! Sunscreen should not be forgotten if you arrive ‘mozzarella’ color , certainly we do not want to see you like red tomatoes for which the bed itself becomes the grill! The same can be said for the mosquito spray. Honestly I would not put it in my suitcase, as, usually Jesolo is not a distressed area by mosquitoes. If an evening you will be attacked by mosquitoes, we have some sprays or you can jump to the supermarket!
And , if you follow our advice, you can save a little place for an evening dress more . And the question of night dresses depends on how you want to organize your holidays: if you have family and you holidays will be a relaxing holidays of sun, sea and night promenades, I would say that three light dresses for the evening are enough. If you are young and want to show off every night a different mise for several night clubs, here I lift up my hands! But certainly the summer clothes are very light and they do not occupy so much room in the suitcase.
Asd for the shoes I would say that you have to hold tight:a pair of flip flops, a pair of elegant sandalst, and a pair of comfortable shoes if you want to walk along the main pedestrian street in the evenings after dinner having a look to all the shops, ice creamery you will find along the Bafile Street . Storing the shoes, as I do, behind the rigid part of the suitcase, you will find the right place for your shoes
I recommend you tio leave a small hole in the bag for the shopping in Jesolo! You cannot resist, and on the other hand also Oscar Wilde said ” I can resist everything except temptation ” and here in Jesolo the shopping tempations are so many ; we can say with pride that in Jesolo you can really find everything, even the winter, without having to move. Imagine in the summer when all the shops are open! There are tourists who departed from Jesolo even with paintings by car! And that tells you everything!
To enter the dining room, at Hotel Torino we do not require the supreme elegance, for lunch and breakfast, you can very well dress up with the dress, pants or t shirt covering your beachwear , so you are then ready to walk along those 30 meters that separate you from the beloved sea! And in the evenings, just show off with you elegant dresses, but we are not certainly looking at the way you are dressep up. The only thing we ask is to avoid getting into the dining room with bathing suit , but this is rather normal, common and easily conceivable.
I’d say two or three changes may be enough for a week, maybe you can put in your suitcase two shirts and a stylish skirt or a pair of light trousers and so with the same clothes you can create a combination
created a combination.
As for the hair dryer, you can leave it at home, as all the hotel bathrooms are endowed with hair dryer. Just get you hair brush and that’s enough, it is better to use the hair dryer room with a light jumpere in case of a fresh evening.
Here is a list of what you have to take with you, no way out:
-Credit credit and the associated pin
-telephone, otherwise you go into panic on arrival, as the phone is now more essential than wife or husband!
-medicine if you need medication to treat you with recipe. If you happen to need of an aspirin, ointment, disinfectant, cotton or patches, or dry ice, be sure that the Hotel will provide you with them, and be aware that that there are two pharmacies in about 200 meters l. But if you have to get essential medicines for you, we recommend that you take them.
-The hotel voucher if you travel with a booking agency (but even in this case, we are not rigid and everything is resolved iof you forget the travle voucher)
-The Mails or letters that we exchanged to get to the booking are not necessary, because each customer has his own personal file with the historical phases of the reservation
-Phone charger which is now more essential than underwear, or charge electronic devices
-The beach bag!
-two or three polypropylene T-shirts which dry very easily and fast ! And a pair of shorts, or a skirt for the sea, if you do not use sun dress.
-a book or tablet : when you open your eyes lazily under the sun umbrella and you often need to relax with a book.
The central location of Hotel Torino helps if you forget something, in fact, one of our strengthening points is the centrality of the hotel : although in second row only 30 40 meters from the sea, we are on the main pedestrian area
If you are celiac do not bother to bring your food, because, with a simple e-mail or phone call a few days before yur arrival , you’ll find all you need to live a quiet vacation, from breakfast to lunch and dinner. In our menu you can choose whatever you want (except a few dishes), just label what you choose that is for celiac pèeople so we know that your dish will be prepared adequately. Do not take your food for celiac in the suitcase, we are here to make your holiday comfortable https://www.hoteltorinojesolo.it/hotel-celiaci-jesolo.html for further assistance or information about the holiday of a celiac in hotel
For each question, we are here at your disposal , just an email or a phone call and we are available even in winter, because summer is ‘seeded’ during Winter for us

Category: Senza categoria
Hotel Torino and the Daily News
This Summer Jesolo hot and muggy, but characterized by a sea really clear (and tested by the social photo pages we have published), we in the ” Hotel Torino decided to join the initiative proposed by our Hotel Association of Jesolo: the daily daily news for distribution to customers.
Every day, in three different languages, English, German and of course Italian, we at the reception desk all activities, events, initiatives of Jesolo Hotel we found ourselves to be more alive than we thought.
We are often closed in here, and we struggle to take care of the shows and initiatives of our beloved city, because time is short in the season, but this year we were really amazed at how many wonderful initiatives we lost, but were held to cheer tourists and to make more and more interesting and alive Jesolo.
Sand sculptures, Latin Dance and smooth running around the various squares, markets and the maze in the cornfield, the concerts, the stretch of waterfront that will be dedicated to Patricia Pellegrini, the concerts, the reading of the poem at dawn waterfront … these are just a few examples of what Jesolo gave its tourists.
And in the daily news, every day, curiosity about idioms, local traditions, recipes of dishes from Veneto and typically Italian, such as sardines in sauce, tiramisu …
In short, small, big news of the Association of Hoteliers in Turin Hotel which we adhere with pleasure and enthusiasm that growth and love for tourists
The summer is ending … BUT NOT THE DAILY NEWS
Jesolo : not only Sun and beach but also so much Sport and Fitness
Jesolo, a city that grows and renews itself, but above all a seaside resort has to offer much more than what we often believe at first sight.After asking, in a previous article blog, what can do a tourist in Jesolo , today I’ve asked myself which sport can be practiced in Jesolo .
In Jesolo you can swim, but this is very trivial, but I want to add that if your children need swimming lessons, you can easily find at Hotel Torino certified instructors who can make them face the ‘Water in a professional manner. On the other hand, Jesolo was awarded the Green Flag for the third consecutive year. The Green Flag is the flag assigned to the best beaches for children (shallow water near the shore, clean sand, shallow water, lifeguards, security services, games on the beach, accommodation – https://www.hoteltorinojesolo.it/hotel- family-jesolo.html – increasingly dedicated to families with children). So, no best chance of your holiday in Jesolo to teach your children to swim! We entrust ourselves to https://www.facebook.com/Andrea-Fiorin-Prep-fisico-Specialista-della-ria… .It is enough to ask, even before arriving and without problems, we have suitable contacts both for you and for your children.
To remain in the field of water, did you know that our city has a real sailing school called Sun & Sea which offers sailing lessons on the beach? If you are experienced and have a minimum 18 years, you can also rent a boat
The strong appeal of the sea breeze is the perfect embodiment in Bridgman Water Sport Center with instructors and all you need for kite surfing, windsurfing and more. Perhaps our sea is not the most suitable for this kind of sports, but, please, do not think that you cannot pratice them in Jesolo! oh no. The center is also very close to the hotel, about 1 km ..
The gyms are close, and if on vacation, you do not want to stop your training, 1 or max 2 km, you can find the Gyms. Informing the hotel, for the stronger fitness enthusiasts we are ready to make you find white egg, protein bars or whey protein or soy protein …. Just let us know what you prefer and we will be at your disposal. If you are on vacation you can not buy everything, but, giving us directions, our food will be suitable for your personalized diet : no salt, specific products, double ratio of protein … no fear, we are here for you and to satisfy you.
If morning jogging along the beach is not enough, Jesolo offers Play Village: a well equipped center with tennis courts, soccer and basketball .. The Play Village is also attended by lovers of the wheels, thanks to the large skate park, and it is dedicated to the children with a fun baby corner. Each end of the season or half season the hotel staff organize a football match – hotel staff vs pubpizzzeria staff . Do not ask me who wins, sometimes the customers are involved in the match and we no longer understand who belongs to which team! the Play Village is however open all year
And do not forget the chance to try the go kart at Pista Azzurra with a track that runs for 1,085 meters amd with chances to pratice Kart also for children of minimum 7 years. Go karting is exciting, one feels like Formula 1 drivers, one can ‘taste’ the strip of concrete that runs under the wheels, a great feeling, an emotion that can make the holiday in Jesolo even more special and exciting.
We, as a hotel, we decided to become a walk Hotel, a hotel belonging to the Hotels suitable for lovers of Nordic walking – https://www.hoteltorinojesolo.it/walk-hotel-jesolo.html – and that means we are in close contact with the group of Nordic walkers in Jesolo, with certified instructors, their suggestions for walks in the moonlight, at dawn, in the alternative routes. And,as a suitable hotel for Nordic Walking, we provide sticks appropriate that our client has experienced rated as excellent, bars and energy drinks, and I wash clothes after the grueling sport.
Jesolo also hosts the ‘Shooting Range’ al Vecio Piave, with 5 shooting ranges multipurpose, a qualified school of Tyre is addressed to those who are beginners to those with expertise in the field. And for the summer like the vecio he organized a shooting school open to the guests of the hotel facilities. Maybe you can try, though perhaps a shot at flying is more popular with those who already practice this sport concentranzione and total relaxation … at that moment, when you aim, the brain relaxes, focuses only on the target , and leave the rest, a moment of ‘one to one’, of great intimacy and silence in themselves.
And other sports of nature, concentration on oneself, relaxation, enjoyment and exercise of the green, as well as concentration is certainly the golf. And Jesolo boasts a golf course respectable, immersed in a sweet green nature, perfectly equipped . In 2015 Summer Season the Golf Club published some offers, including those of Wednesdays : 50% discount for all ladies , a Wednesday in pink, the color that we’re thinking as a marketing colour for some plus free or discounted services to our Ladies Customers
Researching what our city offers in terms of sport, I have found the riding center of Jesolo : what could be more beautiful than a horse ride in the countryside or along the beach with these sensitive and noble animals .If you start riding on vacation there are courses organized for beginners, for those who want to test the beauty and freedom offered by this sport
Of course you cannot try everything, but a tourist has plenty of chances in Jesolo Lido #jesolobeach . Do not forget that for bike lovers the city of Jesolo has organized several and varied bike paths , you can check some of them here at this link http: //www.piste- ciclabili.com/comune-jesolo#map=-0.164473,-0.107031/13 , a useful link to get an idea of the variety and possibilities of bike riding you have. Hotel Torino, since 2011 rent freely bicycles for Clients,. If guests arrive here at the Hotel with their bicycles, which often happens in the case of fans with highly technical bicycles , as well as knowing how to advise where to go, we put the bikes in service rooms that are often free or let them bring their bycicles to thier room balconies by using the lift. For sure , we do not pretend them to leave the bikes outside unattended: maximum respect for the sport and for the equipment of guests.
Let’s remind the dear, old tennis, beach volleyball tournaments on the beach in style American Style, or animation and gymnastics organized on the beach.
In short, Jesolo certainly offers a lot, not only in terms of entertainment, not only in terms of night life, but also in terms of sports. You can come with us in the gym in the afternoon and we could establish a real challenge … who loses offers spritz, an aperitif after returning from the Gymns. In Summer time we are out of shape and out of concentration, but the challenge is always accepted , we just wait for you. You you have to feel free : free to relax completely, free to challenge me in the gym, free to practice some sports and to ask us advice, free to devote to the nightlife and to sleep under a beach umbrella.
We are here to make you feel free on Holidays
What is a Hotel? Better, what is Hotel Torino?
Some days ago, running around the web, I found myself reading an article in a blog answering the answer ”what is a hotel”?.In this article i found several opinions by more or less famous people ,
The hotel is where you can give more than you expect. (Philippe Terryn – Manager Accor Hotels)
The hotel to me is … a nice room with a view. (Lele Luttazzi – Designer)
The hotel is the place where no one bothers me and where everyone respects my desire to isolate myself. (Vasco Rossi – Songwriter)
The hotel is the best set for people going, or coming . (Stefano Giraldi – Photographer)
The hotel is primarily a destination. I am looking for charm, charm and a comfortable bathroom. (Mario Monicelli – Director)
It ‘easy to say by theorists what a hotel is , but for those who live there, for those who organize, for those who work there, what is a hotel?
Surely the job, a source of income, but, when you get in a hotel, you Customer, live an emotion, you feel a sensation. To give the feeling, first you have to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the hotel you’re going to run , so you can choose with your target and your potential customers.
When I started working at Hotel Torino, I quickly deduced that it was a lost game to transform it in a business hotel . The business does not usually use the seaside resorts as a base. Elementary analysis: hotel a few meters far from the sea, close to one of the queens of the Movida in jesolo, Piazza Mazzini, a Chef working for years with very authentic dishes, light, but with a home cooking taste, led me to strengthen certain characteristics, buffets, breakfasts, the facilities for children and the game is done ! The Hotel Torino has focused on the right customer : the family, the young with their weekends with their bachelor hen, the couples.
But this is not the essence, the essence is to give a ” taste ”, a ” colour ” .With the hotel owners who are present in the hotel, I’ve decided to trasnform the Hotel in a ”Home”? and the second part of the game was made: Hotel Torino is Your Home at Sea. When the customer arrives, my wish is to make him feel at ease, not observed, judged, looked coldly.It will be hot in summer, but a super professional and cold welcome, makes you cringe, and air condition is enough to freshen . Seeing and hearing the children , after lunch, playing with pillows in the living room, laughing, playing games, is music to my ears, When groups of young people who celebrate their hen or celibacy, happen to be a little loudly late at night and they leave the reception desk the note saying that, if i should have problems, they are the responsible, Ladies and Gentlemen, this means I’m getting closer and closer to my goal: the guest feels free, as if he was at Home.It is hard for the guest to abuse this freedom, indeed, if he loves this atmosphere of conviviality, a few rules, but a lot of freedom to enjoy, there is usually only the respect and often they choose Hotel Torino again or they advice it to friends
When the Client chooeses our hotel , means he is choosing to savour his Home in jesolo, however, while at home you have to work, cook, clean, in this Home called Torino we work for you and you simply have to relax and take your time freely. We wait, and we’d like to hear your comments, perhaps on the hotel facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Hotel-Torino-Jesolo-308955799151225/ where you can also tell how you see the hotel and how you see us!
Jesolo Holidays: Sun bath,Clear Waters, but much more …
This year the Hotel Torino has decided to join the Daily News of Jesolo, to give a service to its customers: the service of information and as mentioned in the article written on the Daily News, the Hotel us that we’re a little locked to work during the summer season, we realized that there is a Jesolo eventful, events, parties, dancing in the streets.
With the calm of winter, I wonder what it means, if a tourist wants to do something in addition to tan, a week’s holiday in Jesolo. Staying here, not just enjoy sunbathing, good food, but it means we can do a lot, maybe too much. We begin with a day to devote to the nearby Venice, which is easily reached from the bus and ferry landing tourists almost in Piazza San Marco. And if you’re visiting Venice well, you have to dedicate at least one day walking in the streets, without denying the entry into the Basilica San Marco and the Doge’s Palace … but everything else is seen, from Rialto, Accademia, fields Most interesting, the Scala del Bovolo … and so on and so forth. Even if you book the full board in the hotel, we are very flexible and, the day of sightseeing in Venice, can be charged as a half board or bed and breakfast if you want to also concentrate on romantic Venetian evening. The alternative is that you ask the pack lunch.
Another day, for the most avid of tourism, it can be dedicated to the islands of the lagoon, priceless treasures, pearls living a life of other times in the middle of the Venetian lagoon.
But there are pearls also easily reachable by car, as Caorle Treviso or that, without taking up too much in the tourist guide, allow him an interesting foray outside the usual Jesolo, not to mention other cities a little more challenging in terms of mileage to achieve.
Our Jesolo but also offers much without moving, without moving out of the city: a day at Aqualandia, the water park that offers fun and adrenaline junkies, it should certainly spent if you spend a few days in Jesolo. Slides, bars, restaurants, Battle Intrigue, Pool for Children, Tibetan Bridge and so on and so forth. If you have children, Aqualandia will be a paradise for them, but also for adults do not mess around.
And how about a few hours on the Jolly Roger ?, the pirate ship that will embark directly from the dock on our private beach, arrived aboard verreta tattooed for the start of the tests, the assault on the pirate galleon opponent to find the cargo hold full of treasures, and I guarantee you that when I see children and adults who come to lunch after the battles on the Pirate Galleon, I see shining eyes, bandanas, swords, tattoos and much appetite for battle with the pirates. Parents are having fun as their kids!
And how about the Ferris Wheel? With its 60 meters high, its 42 air-conditioned cabins and closed, you will enjoy a wonderful landscape, the lagoon, seen from the coast as a whole, reaching with his eyes the skyline of Venice. We are going to arrange weddings on the Ferris Wheel creating a VIP cabin!
Summer 2015 also saw the exhibition Bodies Revealed, the exhibition of plastinated bodies, allowing us to make a travel through our body, thanks to the technique of plastination which keeps the human body in the state that has been plastinated. Bodies of athletes during the execution of the sport, sick bodies, in mestasi tumor, and more of everything. A travel through our muscles, through the lungs, through the wonderful and perfect kingdom that is our body. After Real Bodies, in Jesolo we had Bodies Revealed, is because of the huge success of this exhibition, which is doing a world tour that will arrive in Lisbon.
Very interesting alternative to the beach, maybe in gloomy days, they may be the Sea Life, which is easily accessible being close to the bus terminal, with its interactive tanks, the tunnel where you can walk and see themselves coircondati by fish, certainly you It looks like an aquarium worthy of respect with sharks, octopuses, rays, turtles, tropical seahorses.
And if that were not enough, Jesolo offers the tropicarium with reptiles, butterflies, turtles, insects, predators … This summer has led to a tropical tartarigana that after so much effort, after days in the incubator, managed to move and kick. What a joy to see the photo of the turtle wandering around the web, and we, with great happiness we shared about our social pages. That tenderness see it on the scale that marked 15 grams! And still we share, because I’ve gotten spoiled us Hotel turin
Not to mention the nightlife of Jesolo, the premises, the Mercedes stand at 50 meters from the hotel, which organizes the mortazza party, where groups of hen and stag who were with us, they left us sobriety! The wall partition, the disco for the young, the Capanniona with its aperitifs on the beach, as well as the elegant Marina Club or Terrace sea to the lighthouse.
Do not tell me that in Jesolo there is nothing to do!
You want the hotels bicycles Turin and will address in a wonderful, out of this world and time? Lio Piccolo, a spit of land in the middle of the lagoon, a wonder with small villages, birds, lagoon, silence and a pace of life that goes back in time. A magic eye, ear, for all our senses. All customers who have followed my suggestion going there or by bike, or by car or take a walk returned to the hotel with different eyes, filled with gratitude and enthusiasm.
Therefore, their Gentlemen, I expect you to Jesolo, where boredom reigns NOT SOVEREIGN, where you can relax, or RELAX AND ENRICH YOUR HEART! We are waiting for the next summer, and every day will keep you informed about news and activities!
Hotel Torino und Daily News
In diesem Sommer Jesolo heiß und schwül, aber gekennzeichnet durch eine Meer wirklich klar (und von den Fotos in den Sozial Seiten, die wir veröffentlicht haben getestet), die wir in der ” Hotel Torino beschlossen, die von unseren Hotelverband von Jesolo vorgeschlagene Initiative anzuschließen: der Daily News täglich zur Verteilung an die Kunden.
Jeden Tag in drei verschiedenen Sprachen, Deutsch, Englisch und natürlich Italienisch, wir an der Rezeption alle Aktivitäten, Veranstaltungen, Initiativen von Jesolo Das Hotel fanden wir uns lebendiger als wir dachten zu sein.
Wir werden oft hier geschlossen, und wir kämpfen, um auf die Shows und Initiativen unserer geliebten Stadt zu nehmen, weil die Zeit knapp ist in der Saison, aber in diesem Jahr waren wir an, wie viele wunderbare Initiativen verloren wir wirklich erstaunt, aber waren gehalten zu jubeln Touristen und mehr und mehr interessant und lebendig Jesolo zu machen.
Sandskulpturen, Latin Dance und den reibungslosen Ablauf rund um die verschiedenen Plätze, Märkte und das Labyrinth im Maisfeld, der Konzerte, der Küstenstreifen, die Patricia Pellegrini, die Konzerte, das Lesen des Gedichts in der Morgendämmerung gewidmet sein wird am Wasser … das sind nur einige Beispiele dafür, was Jesolo hat seine Touristen.
Und in den täglichen Nachrichten, jeden Tag, Neugierde Idiome, lokale Traditionen, Rezepte von Gerichten aus Veneto und typisch italienisch, wie Sardinen in der Soße, Tiramisu …
Kurz gesagt, kleine, große Neuigkeit des Hotelverbandes von Turin Hotels, die wir mit Freude und Begeisterung zu halten, dass das Wachstum und die Liebe für Touristen
Der Sommer geht zu Ende … aber nicht die tägliche Nachrichten
BLEIBEN SIE IN KONTAKT, bleiben Sie dran, wie sie sagen